
Request 5883 (accepted)

- Unban fmt10, but add new patch fix_building_with_fmt10.patch
derived from https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/23453 to fix
building on current TW with updated libfmt10 and libspdlog12.
- Remove "alias l=..." and replace its use with the real command

Submit package home:manfred-h / kodi to package Multimedia / kodi

kodi-noX-raspberry-pi.changes Changed
kodi-noX-raspberry-pi2.changes Changed
kodi-noX.changes Changed
kodi.changes Changed
kodi-noX-raspberry-pi.spec Changed
kodi-noX-raspberry-pi2.spec Changed
kodi-noX.spec Changed
kodi.spec Changed
fix_building_with_fmt10.patch Added
Request History
manfred-h's avatar

manfred-h created request 10 months ago

- Unban fmt10, but add new patch fix_building_with_fmt10.patch
derived from https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/23453 to fix
building on current TW with updated libfmt10 and libspdlog12.
- Remove "alias l=..." and replace its use with the real command

Sagi Ben-Akiva's avatar

sagiben accepted request 10 months ago