
Request 2067 (superseded)

No description set
Submit package home:sagiben / kodi to package Multimedia / kodi

kodi-noX-raspberry-pi.changes Deleted
kodi-noX-raspberry-pi2.changes Deleted
kodi-noX.changes Changed
kodi.changes Changed
kodi-noX-raspberry-pi.spec Deleted
kodi-noX-raspberry-pi2.spec Deleted
kodi-noX.spec Changed
kodi.spec Changed
0001-crossguid-dgb.patch Deleted
0002-kodi-install.patch Deleted
0003-kodi-disable-wayland.patch Deleted
0004-kodi-workaround-pipewire-bug.patch Deleted
cmake_do_not_download.patch Added
cmake_no_deps.patch Added
float_tk.patch Added
kodi-15.0-gcc5.patch Added
kodi-texturepacker.patch Added
no-xbmc-symbolic-link.patch Added
15.0-Isengard.tar.gz Added
_constraints Deleted
_service Deleted
_service:download_files:1.4.3-Next-Nexus-Alpha2-2.tar.gz Deleted
_service:download_files:21.1-Omega.tar.gz Deleted
_service:download_files:6.1.1-Next-Nexus-Alpha2-2.tar.gz Deleted
_service:download_files:6.1.3-Next-Nexus-Alpha2-2.tar.gz Deleted
_service:download_files:apache-groovy-binary-4.0.16.zip Deleted
_service:download_files:crossguid-ca1bf4b810e2d188d04cb6286f957008ee1b7681.tar.gz Deleted
_service:download_files:libudfread-1.1.2.tar.gz Deleted
download_pvr.sh Added
get_version.sh Deleted
kodi-noX.service Deleted
kodi-platform-054a42f66.tar.gz Added
kodi.VERSION Deleted
kodi.service Deleted
pre_checkin.sh Changed
pvr-addons.tar.bz2 Added
rpmlintrc Deleted

Olaf Hering

olh wrote about 9 years ago

If we update anyway the spec file deserves a huge cleanup. Use pkgconfig() everywhere, just as configure.ac does (see home:olh:kodi:master). Drop unneeded buildrequires. chrpath is most likely obsolete. DATE/TIME should be patched out with patch instead of sed. Some configure options depend on others (like optimization is for included ffmpeg I think).

Sagi Ben-Akiva

sagiben wrote about 9 years ago

  1. do not know why it fails now, when I submitted the request all the builds passed
  2. Some of the DATE/TIME can't be removed using patch because they are in a tar file.
  3. I will change the the required libs to use pkgconfig
  4. optimization was disabled because this version does not use internal ffmpeg

Sagi Ben-Akiva

sagiben wrote about 9 years ago

How DATE/TIME can be removed using patch ? it won't get the build time as it is now

Olaf Hering

olh wrote about 9 years ago

Just drop that string, build time does not serve any purpose.

Sagi Ben-Akiva

sagiben wrote about 9 years ago

I think it is showed in the 'System Info' tab

Stefan Botter

jsjhb wrote about 9 years ago

Please have a look at requests 1549 and 1566 to Multimedia/kodi, I fixed the occurrence, also in the tar files.

Sagi Ben-Akiva

sagiben wrote about 9 years ago

yes, but not as a patch.

Sagi Ben-Akiva

sagiben wrote about 9 years ago

OK, 1. DATE/TIME were fixed as sed commands. 2. I moved most of the BuildRequired to pkgconfig 3. chrpath was removed 4. regarding unneeded buildrequires : any easy way to check it ? I don't want to comment out each one of them and rebuild. I thought to get some of them from configure script any other suggestion ?