Receiver for DAB and DAB+ broadcast radio

Receive digital audio broadcasts with your computer: is an open source
DAB and DAB+ software defined radio (SDR) with direct support for RTL-SDR and
other SDR hardware through SoapySDR. It supports high DPI and touch displays and
it runs even on cheap computers.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed Actions
_service 0000000584 584 Bytes 29 days
welle-io-2.6.tar.xz 0006230868 5.94 MB 29 days
welle-io-desktop-file.patch 0000001312 1.28 KB 16 days
welle-io-qt6.4.1.patch 0000000556 556 Bytes 27 days
welle-io.changes 0000003124 3.05 KB 16 days
welle-io.spec 0000003338 3.26 KB 27 days
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