Library to access video DVDs

libdvdread provides a simple foundation for reading DVD-Video images.
It offers DVD applications:

1. A simple abstraction for reading the files on a DVD image
2. A simple library for parsing the information (IFO) files
3. A simple library for parsing the navigation (NAV) packets

This allows application designers to access some of the more advanced
features of the DVD format.

libdvdread currently uses libdl to dynamically probe for libdvdcss at
runtime. If libdvdcss is found, then it will be used to decrypt the
encrypted sections of a DVD.

Björn Englund
Håkan Hjort
Billy Biggs
Christian Wolff

Source Files
Filename Size Changed Actions
libdvdread-0.9.7-udffindfile.patch 0000000989 989 Bytes almost 14 years
libdvdread-0.9.7.tar.bz2 0000281704 275 KB almost 14 years
libdvdread-strict-aliasing.patch 0000000507 507 Bytes almost 14 years
libdvdread.spec 0000007208 7.04 KB 3 months
libdvdread_udf.patch 0000003537 3.45 KB almost 14 years
Revision 4 (latest revision is 5)
Olaf Hering Olaf Hering (olh) committed 3 months ago (revision 4)
rpm 4.20 does not support the %patchN syntax
Comments for libdvdread3 0