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File of Package dvswitch-git
#! /usr/bin/perl -w # is a more userfriendly wrapper for dvsource-command. # It assists in constructing and ffmpeg commandline (audio and video) and # then passes all relevant parameters to dvsource-command. # # It is designed to work with a simple v4l2 webcam, but may be helpful for other # sources too. # # (C) 2012,, distribute under GPL-2.0+ or ask. # 2012-03-04 -- V0.1 initial draft. # 2012-03-06 -- V1.0 works. # 2012-03-09 -- V1.1 run arecord with LANG=C, to get predictable output. # 2012-03-21 -- V1.2 changed default, to last /dev/videoN, not /dev/video0 ############# # FIXME: this goes extremly async, quite soon. # suggests this command line: # ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s vga -r 25 -i /dev/video0 -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -target pal-dv - | dvsource-file /dev/stdin ## FIXME: add -re, to read the input file in realtime, instead of prebuffering. ## Requires: alsa-utils, ffmpeg use strict; use Data::Dumper; use File::stat; use File::Glob; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use Pod::Usage; my $version = '1.2'; my $a_chan = undef; my $a_name = undef; my $retry_connect = 0; my $host = undef; my $port = undef; my $tally = undef; my $verbose = undef; my $help = undef; my $dv_mode = 'pal-dv'; GetOptions( "retry|R" => \$retry_connect, "verbose|v" => \$verbose, "port|p=s" => \$port, "host|h=s" => \$host, "tally|t" => \$tally, "adev=s" => \$a_name, "achan=s" => \$a_chan, "help|?" => \$help, "pal-dv" => sub { $dv_mode = 'pal-dv'; }, "ntsc-dv" => sub { $dv_mode = 'ntsc-dv'; }, ) or $help++; pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -msg => qq{ V$version $0 [OPTIONS] [VIDEO_DEV] The default VIDEO_DEV is /dev/videoN, where N is the highest available number, aka the device that was connected last. $0 converts video from any v4l2 device (e.g. a webcam) together with an audio source into a DV stream that is usable by DVswitch. This conversion requires ffmpeg. Valid options are: -v Print more information at startup. -R, --retry Keep retrying to connect, in case DVswitch is not yet listening. -h, --host=HOST -p, --port=PORT Specify the network address on which DVswitch is listening. The host address may be specified by name or as an IPv4 or IPv6 literal. -t, --tally Print notices of activation and deactivation in the mixer, for use with a tally light. These will take the form "TALLY: on" or "TALLY: off". --adev=ALSA_DEVICE Specify which alsa audio capture device to use. Run 'arecord -l' for a listing. Default: search for same USB-id as VIDEO_DEV. --achan=N Specify how many channels the alsa audio device captures. Default: query USB subsystem, or '2'. --pal --ntsc Specify video mode for the generated DV stream. Default: $dv_mode }) if $help; my $vdev = shift || first_existing_file('/dev/video%d', [reverse (0..20)]); die "Missing video device $vdev. Check your webcam cable or driver?\n" unless -e $vdev; my $a_dev = { id => 0 }; if (defined $a_name) { $a_dev = { id => $1 } if $a_name =~ m{(\d+)}; } else { ($a_name,$a_dev) = find_matching_audio_source($vdev); } my $warn; ($a_chan, $warn) = find_n_channels($a_dev) unless defined $a_chan; print "WARNING: find_n_channels(): $warn\n" if defined $warn; die "no audio found for $vdev -- please retry using --adev=hw:N\n" unless $a_name; die "unclear number audio channels in $a_name -- please retry using --achan=N\n" unless $a_chan; my $ff_verbose = $verbose ? 'verbose' : 'quiet'; my $ffmpeg = "ffmpeg -v $ff_verbose -f alsa -ac $a_chan -i $a_name -f v4l2 -i $vdev -target $dv_mode pipe:1"; my $cmd = 'dvsource-command'; $cmd .= " --tally" if $tally; $cmd .= " --verbose" if $verbose; $cmd .= ' --retry' if $retry_connect; $cmd .= " --port=$port" if defined $port; $cmd .= " --host=$host" if defined $host; system "$cmd '$ffmpeg'" and die "failed to run '$cmd'\n"; exit 0; ## FIXME: can we run with a dummy audio stream, or even without? ### ## how to compute LONG_ENOUGH, how to loop a short audio, # print "ffmpeg -f s8 -ar 8000 -t LONG_ENOUGH -i /dev/zero /tmp/silence.wav;\n"; # print "ffmpeg -f s8 /tmp/silence.wav -f v4l2 -i $vdev -target pal-dv pipe:1\n"; ## slurps in 300 MB audio per minute, this is too much! # print "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -i /dev/zero -f v4l2 -i $vdev -target pal-dv pipe:1\n"; sub find_matching_audio_source { my ($video_dev) = (@_); my $arecord = $ENV{DVSWITCH_ARECORD} || '/usr/bin/arecord'; die "$arecord not found. Try env DVSWITCH_ARECORD=...\n" unless -x $arecord; ## FALLBACK: browse through /proc/asound/cards my @adev_list; # card 0, not Karte 0, please. open IN, "-|", "env LANG=C $arecord -l" or die "failed to run '$arecord -l': $!\n"; while (defined( my $line = <IN>)) { chomp $line; # card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog] # card 1: U0x46d0x805 [USB Device 0x46d:0x805], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] if ($line =~ m{^\s*card\s+(\d+):\s+(.*)$}) { push @adev_list, { id => $1, arecord_line => $2 }; } } close IN; warn "Failed to list audio devices: $arecord -l: returned no 'card \\d: ...' lines.\n" unless @adev_list; my $st = File::stat::stat($video_dev); die "cannot stat '$video_dev', need an existing video device name as parameter\n" unless defined $st and $st->rdev; my $dev = { rdev => $st->rdev, name => $video_dev }; $dev->{dev} = $dev->{rdev} >> 8; $dev->{node} = $dev->{rdev} - ($dev->{dev} << 8); # /sys/dev/char/81:0/name my $syspath = "/sys/dev/char/$dev->{dev}:$dev->{node}/name"; if (open IN, "<", $syspath) { chomp($dev->{fluffy_name} = <IN>); close IN; } else { warn "cannot open $syspath for " . Dumper $dev; } # /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-5/1-5:1.0/video4linux/video0/dev my @all = File::Glob::bsd_glob("/sys/bus/usb/devices/*/*/video4linux/video0/dev"); for my $usb (@all) { next unless open IN, "<", $usb; my $line = <IN>; close IN; chomp $line; next if $line ne "$dev->{dev}:$dev->{node}"; next unless $usb =~ m{^/sys/bus/usb/devices/([^/]+)/}; my $usb_dev = $1; $dev->{sys_bus_usb} = $usb; $dev->{usb_dev} = $usb_dev; if (open IN, "<", "/sys/bus/usb/devices/$usb_dev/idVendor") { chomp($dev->{idVendor} = <IN>); close IN; } if (open IN, "<", "/sys/bus/usb/devices/$usb_dev/idProduct") { chomp($dev->{idProduct} = <IN>); close IN; } } delete $dev->{usb_dev}; unless ($dev->{usb_dev}) { ## hmm, /sys/bus/usb path lookup did not work, maybe the name ## contains a usb idVendor idProduct pair? if ($dev->{fluffy_name} =~ m{\b(0x)?([0-9a-f]{4}):(0x)?([0-9a-f]{4})\b}) { $dev->{idVendor} = $2; $dev->{idProduct} = $4; $dev->{usb_dev} = "not in /sys/bus/usb, but matching '$dev->{fluffy_name}'"; } } if ($dev->{usb_dev}) { # $video_dev is an usb device. Try to match by Vendor:Product my $p1 = $dev->{idProduct}; my $p2 = $p1; $p2 =~ s{^0*}{}; # strip leading zeros my $v1 = $dev->{idVendor}; my $v2 = $v1; $v2 =~ s{^0*}{}; # strip leading zeros for my $adev (@adev_list) { $adev->{score} = 0; $adev->{score} += 1 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\busb\b}i; $adev->{score} += 10 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b$v1\b} and $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b$p1\b}i; $adev->{score} += 10 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b$v2\b} and $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b$p2\b}i; $adev->{score} += 10 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b0x$v1\b} and $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b0x$p1\b}i; $adev->{score} += 10 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b0x$v2\b} and $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b0x$p2\b}i; $adev->{score} += 100 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b$v1:$p1\b}i; $adev->{score} += 100 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b$v2:$p2\b}i; $adev->{score} += 100 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b0x$v1:0x$p1\b}i; $adev->{score} += 100 if $adev->{arecord_line} =~ m{\b0x$v2:0x$p2\b}i; } } else { warn "Not a USB video device, audio matching not impl." . Dumper $dev; return undef; } # die Dumper \@adev_list, $dev, \@all; my @adev_scored = sort { $b->{score} <=> $a->{score} } @adev_list; if (scalar @adev_scored and $adev_scored[0]{score}) { $adev_scored[0]{v_dev} = $dev; return ("hw:$adev_scored[0]{id}", $adev_scored[0]); } } sub find_n_channels { my ($dev) = @_; # /proc/asound/card1/usbmixer # if exists, contains this: # USB Mixer: usb_id=0x046d0805, ctrlif=2, ctlerr=0 # Card: USB Device 0x46d:0x805 at usb-0000:00:1d.7-5, high speed # Unit: 5 # Control: name="Mic Capture Volume", index=0 # Info: id=5, control=2, cmask=0x0, channels=1, type="S16" # Volume: min=0, max=1, dBmin=0, dBmax=0 # Unit: 5 # Control: name="Mic Capture Switch", index=0 # Info: id=5, control=1, cmask=0x0, channels=1, type="INV_BOOLEAN" # Volume: min=0, max=1, dBmin=0, dBmax=0 ### # my /proc/asound/card0/ contains no mixer, and no other # reliable way to read a channel count. # So we default to 2 channels, unless we see the above. ### # return (2, "default=2. audio device undefined") unless defined $dev; my $usbmixer = "/proc/asound/card$dev->{id}/usbmixer"; unless (open IN, "<", $usbmixer) { # well, we have no clue, actually, lets default to stereo return (2, "default=2. no $usbmixer, no clue"); } while (defined (my $line = <IN>)) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ m{^\s+Info:.*\bchannels=(\d+)\b}) { close IN; return $1; } } return (2, "default=2. $usbmixer had no 'Info:' with 'channels='"); close IN; } sub first_existing_file { my ($fmt_str, $range) = @_; for my $n (@$range) { my $name = sprintf $fmt_str, $n; return $name if -e $name; } return $fmt_str; }
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