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File conkyconf.SUSE of Package conky
#!/bin/bash # # system # VERSION="0.1" USER_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.config/conky/conky.conf" DEFAULT_RSS_URL="" SYSTEM_LOG="| journalctl -q | tail -n 5" USERS_LOG="| who" ALIGNMENTS="|top_left|top_right|top_middle|bottom_left|bottom_right|bottom_middle|middle_left|middle_middle|middle_right,tl|tr|tm|bl|br|bm|ml|mm|mr|" ip=ip iwconfig=/usr/sbin/iwconfig ss=/usr/sbin/ss # log function log() { verb=$1 msg="$2" if [ $verb -le ${config[verbosity]} ]; then echo "$msg" >&2 fi } # bail out function die() { msg="$1" log 0 "conkyconf: $msg" log 2 "$0 unsuccessfully finished" exit 1 } # writing string to file function sys_write_file() { file=$1 content=$2 dir=$(dirname $file) if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then log 1 "creating $dir" mkdir -p $dir || die "could not create $dir" fi log 1 "writing $file" echo "$content" > "$file" || die "could not write $file" return } # list of all network interfaces function sys_all_network_interfaces() { interfaces=$($ip -br link show | sed 's:\s\+.*::' | grep -v 'tun\|lo' | tr '\n' ' ') log 1 "detected interfaces: $interfaces" echo $interfaces } # default interface function sys_default_network_interface() { interface=$($ip route | grep default | sed 's:.*dev \(\S\+\) .*:\1:') log 1 "detected default interface: $interface" echo $interface } # wireless or wired network iterface? function sys_network_interface_type() { interface=$1 type=$($iwconfig $1 2>&1 | grep -q 'no wireless' && echo "wired" || echo "wireless") log 1 "network interface $interface is $type" echo $type } # attached sdX drives function sys_drives() { drives=$(find /dev -maxdepth 1 -type b -name "sd[a-z]" -exec basename "{}" ";" | sort) log 1 "detected drives: $drives" echo $drives } # processors function sys_processors() { CPUS=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) CPUS=${CPUS:=1} cpus=$(seq 1 $CPUS | tr '\n' ' ') log 1 "assuming numbers of CPUs: $cpus" echo $cpus } # opened ports function sys_opened_ports() { ports=$($ss -nlt | awk '{print $4}' | grep ':::\|\*:' | sed 's/:::\|\*://' | sort -u) log 1 "opened ports: $ports" echo $ports } # # global config # function conky_config() { cat << EOS conky.config = { background = true, update_interval = 1.5, cpu_avg_samples = 2, net_avg_samples = 2, out_to_console = false, override_utf8_locale = true, double_buffer = true, no_buffers = true, text_buffer_size = 32768, imlib_cache_size = 0, own_window = true, own_window_type = 'desktop', own_window_argb_visual = true, own_window_argb_value = 120, own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager', border_inner_margin = 20, border_outer_margin = 0, alignment = '${config[alignment]}', gap_x = ${config[gap_x]}, gap_y = ${config[gap_y]}, draw_shades = true, draw_outline = false, draw_borders = false, draw_graph_borders = false, use_xft = true, font = 'monospace:size=9', xftalpha = 0.8, uppercase = false, default_color = '#FFFFFF', own_window_colour = '#000000', maximum_width = 375 }; EOS } # # contents of the window # # horizontal rule function text_hr() { echo " \${goto 20}\${hr}" } # hostname, kernel, date and uptime function text_preamble() { cat << EOS \${goto 20}\${color #DD3A21}\${font monospace:bold:size=20}\${nodename}\${font}\${color}\${goto 250}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${time %d/%m/%y} \${goto 20}\${color #DD3A21}\${kernel}\${color}\${goto 250}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${time %H:%M} \${goto 250}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${uptime} EOS } # show one network interface info function text_network_interface { if_name=$1 case $(sys_network_interface_type $if_name) in "wired") icon= text="" ;; "wireless") icon=; text="\${exec eval \$(/usr/sbin/iwconfig $if_name | grep 'Link Quality' | sed 's:.*Quality=\([0-9]\+\)/\([0-9]\+\).*:echo \$((\1*100/\2))%:')}" ;; esac cat << EOS \${goto 20}\${font FontAwesome}$icon\${font}\${voffset -2} $if_name \${addrs $if_name} $text \${goto 20}\${upspeedgraph $if_name 30,178 06E9F8 2104FA}\${goto 202}\${downspeedgraph $if_name 30,175 FFFF00 DD3A21} \${goto 20}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${upspeed $if_name}\${font FontAwesome}\${goto 202}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${downspeed $if_name} EOS } # memory info function text_memory { cat << EOS \${goto 20}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${mem}/\${memmax} (\${memperc}%) | Swap: \${swapperc}% \${goto 20}\${memgraph 30,355 AAF5D0 00B35B} EOS } # attached drive info function text_drive { name=$1 cat << EOS \${goto 20}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} $name \${goto 20}\${diskiograph_read $name 30,178 06E9F8 2104FA}\${goto 202}\${diskiograph_write $name 30,175 FFFF00 DD3A21} \${goto 20}\${font FontAwesome}\${goto 20}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${diskio_read $name}\${font FontAwesome}\${voffset -2}\${goto 202}\${font} \${diskio_write $name} EOS } # processor info function text_processor { name=$1 cat << EOS \${goto 20}CPU$name: \${goto 90}\${cpu cpu$name}%\${goto 140}\${cpubar cpu$name 7,70}\${goto 230}\${freq_g $name} GHz EOS } # process table function text_processes { echo " \${color #FFFF00}\${goto 20}Name \${goto 200}Pid\${goto 255}Cpu%\${goto 310}Mem%\${color}" for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo " \${goto 20}\${top name $i} \${goto 180}\${top pid $i}\${goto 235}\${top cpu $i}\${goto 290}\${top mem $i}" done } # rss feed function text_rss { url=$1 cat << EOS \${goto 20}\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} \${color #FFFF00}\${scroll 50 2 \${rss $url 10 item_titles 5}}\${color} EOS } # port monitor function text_portmon() { port_range=$1 echo -n " \${goto 20}" if [[ $port_range =~ "-" ]]; then echo -n "\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} Port range $port_range" port_range="$(tr '-' ' ')" else echo -n "\${font FontAwesome}\${font}\${voffset -2} Port $port_range" port_range="$port_range $port_range" echo -n ", service \${tcp_portmon $port_range lservice 0}" fi echo " (\${tcp_portmon $port_range count} connections)" for i in $(seq 0 4); do echo -n " \${goto 20}\${font monospace:size=8}" echo -n "\${if_match \"\${tcp_portmon $port_range rip $i}\" != \"\"}" echo -n "\${tcp_portmon $port_range rip $i}:" echo -n "\${tcp_portmon $port_range rport $i} " echo -n "\${tcp_portmon $port_range rhost $i} " echo -n "\${if_match \"\${tcp_portmon $port_range rport $i}\" != \"\${tcp_portmon $port_range rservice $i}\"}" echo -n "\${tcp_portmon $port_range rservice $i} " echo -n "\${endif}" echo -n "\${else}" echo -n "-" echo -n "\${endif}" echo "\${font}" done } # text when no port are defined function text_portmon_no_ports() { echo " \${goto 20}Port monitor: no ports defined." } # logfile (including program outputs) function text_log { logfile=$1 font_size=${2:-8} echo -n " \${goto 20}\${font monospace:size=$font_size}" if [[ "$logfile" =~ ^[[:space:]]*\| ]]; then logfile=$(echo $logfile | sed 's:^\s*|\s*::') log 1 "will read log from [$logfile] program" echo -n \${texeci 10 $logfile} else log 1 "will read log from [$logfile] file" echo -n \${tail $logfile 5} fi echo \${font} } function conky_text() { echo echo "conky.text = [[" content_index=0 while [ -n "${contents[$content_index]}" ]; do case "${contents[$content_index]}" in preamble) text_preamble ;; hrule) text_hr ;; networkif*) for nif in ${contents_arg[$content_index]}; do text_network_interface $nif done ;; memory) text_memory ;; drives) for d in ${contents_arg[$content_index]}; do text_drive $d done ;; processors) for p in ${contents_arg[$content_index]}; do text_processor $p done ;; processes) text_processes ;; rss) text_rss ${contents_arg[$content_index]} ;; portmon) if [ -n "${contents_arg[$content_index]}" ]; then for range in ${contents_arg[$content_index]}; do text_portmon $range done else text_portmon_no_ports fi ;; log*) fontsize=$(echo ${contents[$content_index]} | sed 's/.*://') text_log "${contents_arg[$content_index]}" $fontsize esac content_index=$((content_index+1)) done echo "]];" } # string is integer function arg_is_numeric() { [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && return 0 || return 1 } # string is option function arg_is_option() { arg=$1 [ ${arg:0:1} == '-' ] && return 0 || return 1 } function arg_is_alignment() { [[ "$ALIGNMENTS" =~ "|$1|" ]] && return 0 || return 1 } # end of argument list function arg_is_end() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 0 || return 1 } # split list argument, delimiters: [:,;] function arg_split_list() { echo $1 | tr ':,;' ' ' } # help on this script usage function conkyconf_usage() { cat << EOS $(echo ${0##*/} | tr [a-z] [A-Z]), version $VERSION conky configuration example generator USAGE conkyconf --par1 [arg11 [arg12]] --par2 [arg21 [arg22]] ... There are object parameters (as --memory, --networkif, --rule) and non-object parameters (as --verbosity, --file). Object parameters will add corresponding objects to conky configuration in that order. Objects can be repeated for different arguments by repeating it on command line. More conky instantions can be launched, but then different configuration files has to be used (see -f|--file option). Configuration is written to $USER_CONFIG_FILE which has a precedence before system wide configuration file. PARAMETERS -h|--help this help -v|--verbosity [verb] debug output of the script, 0 (just errors) 1 or 2 -f|--file <conffile> write the configuration to this file -g|--geometry [a [x [y]]] geometry of conky window, parameters: * a -- alignment top_left (tl), bottom_middle (bm), middle_left (ml), middle_middle (mm), etc. * x -- gap between window and attached vertical border * y -- gap between window and attached horizontal border -r|--rule add horizontal rule -p|--preamble host, kernel, time and uptime info -n|--networkif [ifcs] network interface(s) info; arguments: * 'all' -- all interfaces are monitored * <no arg> -- default interface is chosen * <list> -- comma, colon or semicolon separated list of interfaces -m|--memory memory info -d|--drives [drvs] sdaX drives info; arguments: * 'all' -- all drives are monitored * <no arg> -- the same as 'all' * <list> -- comma, colon or semicolon separated list of drives -c|--cpu add all CPUs info -e|--processes show process table -s|--rss [url] add a rss feed; if no url is given, SUSE security rss feed is chosen -t|--portmon [ports] display port monitor; arguments: * <no arg> -- display opened ports * <list> -- comma, colon or semicolon separated list of ports -l|--log [log [fs]] show tail of a log; arguments: log: * | <program> -- show output of the program * <file> -- show last 5 lines of the log * <noarg> -- $SYSTEM_LOG fs: font size of the output -u|--default choose default profile; objects can be added or prepended NOTE Everytime some of monitored objects are changed, for example new port is opened, usb stick is plugged in or connection is changed from wireless to wired (and just default interface is monitored), then conkyconf has to be rerun. conky then rereads the configuration automatically. EXAMPLES conkyconf --default Uses built in preset. conkyconf --preamble -r --networkif -r --drives -r --cpu Shows preamble, default network interface, all attached drives and cpu information, in that order. conkyconf --preamble -r --drives sda:sdb -r --networkif em1 \\ -r --cpu -r --log '|who' 8 -r --log Displays peramble, network drives sda and sdb, interface em1 and cpu information and also output of who command in font size 8 and system log in default font size for logs. EOS } declare -A contents declare -A contents_arg declare -A config config[verbosity]=0 config[file]="$USER_CONFIG_FILE" config[alignment]="bottom_right" config[gap_x]="70" config[gap_y]="70" if [ -z "$1" ]; then set -- "--help" fi content_index=0 while [ -n "$1" ]; do arg_is_option "$1" || die "option starting with '-' or '--' expected ($1)" case "$1" in -h|--help) conkyconf_usage exit 0 ;; -v|--verbosity) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && arg_is_numeric "$1"; then config[verbosity]="$1" shift; else config[verbosity]=2 fi log 1 "verbosity set to ${config[verbosity]}" ;; -p|--preamble) shift log 2 'adding preamble' contents[$content_index]="preamble" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -r|--hrule) shift log 2 'adding horizontal rule' contents[$content_index]="hrule" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -n|--networkif) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then if [ $1 == "all" ]; then devices="$(sys_all_network_interfaces)" else devices="$(arg_split_list $1)" fi shift else devices="$(sys_default_network_interface)" fi log 2 "adding network interface monitor: $devices" contents[$content_index]="networkif" contents_arg[$content_index]="$devices" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -m|--memory) shift log 2 'adding memory info' contents[$content_index]="memory" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -d|--drives) shift # -d and -d all the same effect if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then if [ "$1" == "all" ]; then drives="$(sys_drives)" else drives="$(arg_split_list $1)" fi shift else drives="$(sys_drives)" fi log 2 "adding hard drives: $drives" contents[$content_index]="drives" contents_arg[$content_index]="$drives" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -c|--cpu) shift processors="$(sys_processors)" log 2 "adding cpu units: $processors" contents[$content_index]="processors" contents_arg[$content_index]="$processors" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -e|--processes) shift log 2 "adding process table" contents[$content_index]="processes" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -s|--rss) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then url="$1" else url="$DEFAULT_RSS_URL" fi log 2 "adding rss feed: $url" contents[$content_index]="rss" contents_arg[$content_index]="$url" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -t|--portmon) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then port_ranges="$(arg_split_list $1)" shift else port_ranges="$(sys_opened_ports)" fi log 2 "adding port monitor for port ranges: $port_ranges" contents[$content_index]="portmon" contents_arg[$content_index]="$port_ranges" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -l|--log) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1" && ! arg_is_numeric "$1"; then log="$1" shift else log="$SYSTEM_LOG" fi if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then if arg_is_numeric "$1"; then font_size="$1" shift else die "numeric argument (font size of the log) expected" fi else font_size=6 fi log 2 "adding logging: $log" contents[$content_index]="log:$font_size" contents_arg[$content_index]="$log" content_index=$((content_index+1)) ;; -u|--default) shift contents[0]="preamble" contents[1]="hrule" contents[2]="networkif" contents_arg[2]="$(sys_default_network_interface)" contents[3]="hrule" contents[4]="drives" contents_arg[4]="$(sys_drives)" contents[5]="hrule" contents[6]="processors" contents_arg[6]="$(sys_processors)" contents[7]="hrule" contents[8]="processes" contents[9]="hrule" contents[10]="portmon" contents_arg[10]="$(sys_opened_ports)" contents[11]="hrule" contents[12]="log:8" contents_arg[12]="$USERS_LOG" contents[13]="hrule" contents[14]="log:6" contents_arg[14]="$SYSTEM_LOG" contents[15]="hrule" contents[16]="rss" contents_arg[16]="$DEFAULT_RSS_URL" content_index=17 ;; -f|--file) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then config[file]="$1" shift else die "-f|--file requires an argument" fi ;; -g|--geometry) shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then if ! arg_is_alignment "$1"; then die "first argument of -g|--geometry has to be one of $ALIGNMENTS" fi config[alignment]="$1" shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then if ! arg_is_numeric "$1"; then die "second argument of -g|--geometry has to be a number" fi config[gap_x]="$1" shift if ! arg_is_end "$1" && ! arg_is_option "$1"; then if ! arg_is_numeric "$1"; then die "third argument of -g|--geometry has to be a number" fi config[gap_y]="$1" shift fi fi else die "-g|--geometry requires an argument" fi ;; *) die "unsupported option ($1)" shift ;; esac done log 2 "arguments parsed" log 1 "geometry: ${config[alignment]}, ${config[gap_x]}, ${config[gap_y]}" log 2 "creating configuration" conky_configuration="$(conky_config)$(conky_text)" log 2 "wrinting configuration" sys_write_file ${config[file]} "$conky_configuration" log 2 "$0 successfully finished"
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